Conkbayırı Mehmetçik Monument

Conkbayırı Mehmetcik monument is on the West of the road that leads to Conkbayırı which passes through Cesarettepe, Kılıcbayırı and Duztepe.  The tablet consists of 5 inscriptions that symbolize a hand. These tablets are dedicated to the soldiers who fell martyr at the Conkbayırı fighting for their country.  The following are inscribed on the tablets: 
1st  inscription: The commander of the 19th infantry regiment lieutenant colonel  Mustafa Kemal Ataturk has taken initiative and dispatched the 57th infantry regiment to the area after finding out that the enemy planned landing on Arıburnu on 25 April 1915 and meanwhile he managed to stop the enemy before reaching Conkbayırı by commanding the few soldiers who are defending the coast and who were left without ammo to attack with their bayonets which bought time for the other regiment to catch up and take up position.   
2nd inscription: On 25 April 1915, before Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ordered the 57th infantry regiment to attack the enemy advancing to Conkbayırı he said: “I am not ordering you to attack. I am ordering you to die. In the time that it takes us to die, other forces and commanders can come and take our place” The soldiers who were filled with passion after these speech, made the enemy retreat to Cesaret Hill without giving up attacking despite being under heavy fire.  
3rd inscription:  The enemy forces have begun to attack Conkbayırı  again with the reinforcements joined them on 6 August 1915.The bloody battles, which continued for days and nights made both sides suffer great casualties and the Turkish soldiers managed to stop the enemy in the evening of 9 August 1915, 25 m away from Conkbayırı hills. 
4th inscription: In the morning of 10 August 1915, the counter attack of the Turkish forces begun with bayonet attacks since the trenches were close.  The Conkbayırı battles became hellish under the heavy fire of the enemy cannoneers and Anafartalar Group commander Colonel Mustafa Kemal haven’t left his observation post even for a second, his life was saved by his pocket watched when a shrapnel hit him and after the battle the enemy retreated to Ağıl River. 
5th inscription: The continuous enemy attacks to conquer the most important area and highest point Conkbayırı and to divide the Turkish forces into two and to conquer Dardanelles ended up in failure thanks to the heroic and diligent defense of the Turkish soldiers. In the battles in this area, Turkish army suffered 9.200 losses while the enemy suffered 12.000 losses.
The tablets which were designed by Architect Ahmet Gülgönen who won a competition in 1970 were constructed by the Turkish government. The tablets were registered officially as cultural property that should be protected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on 14 November 1980. 
