Statue of Corporal Seyit

It is located in the Rumelia Mecidiye Bastion. It was made to symbolize the heroism of Corporal Seyit and, in this respect, all robins (Mehmetçikler) who had heroically resisted the allied armada, which aimed to cross the Dardanelles and reach Istanbul. In addition, there is another statue on the sea side of the Mecidiye Bastion mad by the sculptor Hüseyin Anka Özkan.

Born in Manastır (Monastery) Village of Edremit Havran district (firstly named as Çamlık village, and then Koca Seyit village) in 1889, the father’s and mother’s names of the artillery corporal Seyit were Abdurrahman and Emine, respectively. According to the records: His military service in Çanakkale Fortified Area began as ‘heavy artillery soldier’ in 1914 and ended in 1918. He took the surname of ‘Çabuk (Quick)’ by the Surname Law in 1934. After demobilization, he returned to his village and made his living by making and selling wood coal in the mountains. He died at the age of 50 on December 1, 1939, since when he could not survive pneumonia. Nowadays his grave is in its own village.
