Soğanlıdere Martyrdom

There is the Soğanlıdere Hospital Martyrdom, which was restored and opened in 2005, a few hundred meters away from the Soğanlıdere Air Strike Martyrdom. The monument is figured in the form of a moon and star, and the triangular pyramid structure in the center of the star represents the rise of our martyrs to Allah. In the area just below the monument, there is the real cemetery preserved. Within this region, there was the injured soldiers who were martyred while being treated in the hospitals that was established during the wartime. The Medical Companies of the 2nd, 7th and 12th Divisions were in service within this region. Since the valley was closed to the enemy attacks, it served as the most important logistic support center for the Seddülbahir Frontline. In addition to the coastal set batteries prepared for March 18, the Soğanlıdere Valley was home to four divisional hospitals, and supply and warehouse depots of the Southern Group Command. Therefore, Soğanlıdere became one of the centers where the food was serviced to the Turkish soldiers.

Before coming to the Soğanlıdere Martyrdom, a destroyed ruin appears on the right side of the road. This is the Melek Hanım Infirmary. This position, which was the first infirmary of the Seddülbahir Front Line, was transformed into a comprehensive military hospital. It was also marked on the map of Şevki Pasha in 1916 and written in Ottoman Turkish. Similarly, it is one of the places where our soldiers in the set batteries received treatment.
