Deep Respect to Mehmetçik Monument

It is in the Kabatepe-Conkbayırı direction, on the Albayrak heights, on the right of the road. It is been established in 1992 by the general directorate of fine arts of the Ministry of Culture. The monument depicts a Turkish soldier who is carrying a wounded Australian soldier to his trenches.
The former Australian governor general Lord Casey has been referred to, and the following quote of him has been inscribed on the monument:  “We left the Gallipoli Peninsula fighting against the Turks and losing thousands of people but with a great admiration and appreciation for the Turkish nation and its unmatched love for its country. All Australians love Mehmetcik as if they are their own sons. Their bravery, love for its country and people, their irresistible majesty and courage in the trenches, and their love for their country is admired by all Anzacs and those are traits which should be taken as an example by all humanity. With gratitude and respect to Mehmetçik…. Australian Governor General Lord Casey 1967” 
